Entre 2011 et 2019, j’ai travaillé sur un doctorat interuniversitaire en histoire de l’art. Je place ici le brouillon de ma thèse. Vous pouvez consulter le plan complet du projet et une description de mon parcours. N’oubliez pas qu’il s’agit d’un brouillon.

4.6 La période 1893-1908 : Agrandissement de l’AAM

Au début des années 1890, l’AAM se trouve dans une position paradoxale. D’une part, elle se plaint du manque de soutien de la population montréalaise à l’égard de sa mission de promotion des beaux-arts :

The various exhibitions held during the year gave the most gratifying evidence of the large number of fine pictures which are being continually added to the local collections. Montreal is rapidly becoming celebrated for its fine examples of modern art, and may now be classed among the more important art centres. Notwithstanding these encouraging features the Council have still to regret the very narrow circle of those interested in the work in proportion to the city’s population. Art knows no creed, nationality or politics, welcoming all who are interested in promoting her aims. Out of a population of over two hundred thousand, the Association has only five hundred members, and of these only a comparatively small number take an active interest in the work1.